Winter Carnival
Cash Calendar
Support the Franklin Outing Club, operator of the Veterans Memorial Recreation by purchasing our March Cash Calendar.
Calendars can be purchased from a FOC volunteer or right here online. They can also be purchased through Venmo @franklinoutingclub (please be sure to send us your address so we can mail you a check if you win!) They are $5 per calendar, you can buy multiple calendars for more chances to win!
When purchased online, we will mail you your calendars for each calendar purchased.
Drawings will be held starting March 1st.
Winners will be posted daily during the month of March on the Veterans Memorial Recreation Area Facebook page.
Thank You to Our
Winter Carnival Supporters

Best Wishes for continued success from an old friend of The Vets!

I am happy to support the ski area that was there for our family when we were growing up.
​The people of Franklin are fortunate to have the Franklin Outing Club and all the people who work to make Franklin a great place to live.
-Gina Murphy

Happy to support Franklin Outing Club...best wishes for successful fundraising! - Anonymous Donor

Thank you to all the great volunteers and staff at the VMRA and the Outing Club! Wishing you all the best.
- Christine Sheedy

